Meet Matthew Jones, the Footwear Award Winner at GFW22. He studied at the University of Northampton.

How do you feel about winning a GFW22 award?

Winning a GFW22 award is amazing and a feeling that I will always cherish and never forget.

What was the inspiration starting point for your award-winning FMP?

The starting point for my FMP was my niece! After joining her first junior football team, she asked me to take her shopping for a new pair of “pink” football boots. However, after hours walking around shops such as Sports Direct and JD, I was astonished to realise the lack of female football boots. This kicked off my quest to delve deeper and research why.

What skills did you learn and develop during the production of your FMP?

During the production of my FMP it quickly became apparent that my footwear patterns were going to be extremely complex. Therefore, my pattern cutting skills were forced to develop, and quickly, to ensure my designs could become a reality. Other skills I developed include my CAD illustrations, concept brand development and my ability to manage my time efficiently.

What were some challenges that you faced in producing your FMP and how did you overcome these?

Material sourcing and development was by far my biggest challenge. Whilst leather and traditional textiles are easily accessible, high performance sportswear material is almost impossible to source! However, I did my best to turn this challenge into an opportunity. By using repurposed scraps and materials (e.g. old mosquito nets), I was able to achieve the sports material aesthetic whilst tying in upcycling and sustainability.

Are there any messages or major themes in your FMP that you want people to take away? If so, how did you choose to communicate them?

There are several major themes from my FMP. The primary theme is to spark a discussion about the availability of women’s football boots and communicating the genuine demand that there is for them. Meanwhile, the inspiration behind the designs and colour schemes came from Qatar, the host of the 2022 Football World Cup. I explored Qatari culture, history, and its population, amongst other topics. Other themes include creating stylish and thoughtful sports performance footwear, the importance of sustainability, and creating an inclusive sportswear brand that strives to involve consumers so that they too can help Sphera strive for excellence.

What is an aspect of the fashion industry that you want to help improve or have a positive impact on?

Sports performance footwear is my passion and has been for as long as I can remember. However, my FMP brought to my attention the inequality in sport (particularly football), which is rife across the world and much closer to home than I realised. This is something that I aim to help change.

What form does your FMP take? Is it a collection of clothing, book, presentation, etc? If relevant, how did you source the materials for the project?

My FMP is a capsule collection of sports footwear. It features two football performance boots, two lifestyle trainers, and two conceptual casualwear prototypes. Research and design development for the final products was completed using CAD.

What are your plans for the near future (further study/ internship/ work?) now that you've finished your BA?

Having finished my undergraduate degree, I aim to continue exploring my passion for sports performance footwear and I am striving to make a genuine change in the way we perceive sporting footwear. However, I am keeping my options open and I am excited to see what the future holds.